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Basil Müller, MA

You can visit Basil's Website here




  • Epistemology (especially Metaepistmology and Epistemic Normativity)

  • Philosophy of Biology and Psychology


Curriculum vitae



Recognized Visiting Student at the University of Oxford between Jan. and June 23, mentored by Neil Levy. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. 


Since 10/2020

PhD-Student employed in the SNF-Project ‚Explaining Human Nature: Empirical and Ideological Dimensions‘, University of Bern



Master of Arts in Philosophy and History, University of Zurich



Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and History, University of Basel




Müller, B. (forthcoming). Epistemic Dependence, Cognitive Irrationality, and Epistemic Conflicts of Interests — Why there Is a Need for Social Epistemic Norms“, in: Logos and Episteme.


Müller, B. (2020). "Normativity as a Kind of Conformity: Towards a naturalistic account of epistemic normativity", in: Kriterion Journal of Philosophy 34 (1), p. 49-74.

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